After Turbulence In San Joaquin, Bill Would Replace Coroner’s Office With A Medical Examiner’s Office
There were accusations that the San Joaquin sheriff-coroner was inappropriately interfering with autopsies. Sen. Cathleen Galgiani of Stockton, who is pushing for the change, says autopsies, especially in officer-involved cases, should not be subject to any conflict of interest.
Capital Public Radio/KXJZ:
New Bill Would Replace Coroner's Office With Medical Examiner
A new bill introduced in the California Senate would abolish the Coroner’s Office and replace it with a Medical Examiner's Office. This comes after San Joaquin County’s chief medical examiner resigned after saying the sheriff-coroner interfered with autopsies. The proposed bill would only apply to counties with a population over 500,000 and make the medical examiner an appointed position, not an elected one. (Ibarra, 2/27)