Alzheimer’s Rally Aims To Highlight Threat to California Health System
The Alzheimer's Association's California Council expects 1,500 advocates, caregivers and patients to attend an inaugural Alzheimer's rally today in Sacramento aimed at bringing public awareness to the disease, the Stockton Record reports.
More than 11,000 new cases of Alzheimer's are diagnosed in California each year, and the Alzheimer's Association said the number of cases will double within the next generation.
The association warns that Alzheimer's could threaten the health care system and raise funding challenges for Medicare and Medi-Cal, California's Medicaid program.
Bill Fisher, CEO of the Alzheimer's Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada, said the rally will highlight the need for the state to prepare for the pending increase in Alzheimer's patients (Goldeen, Stockton Record, 4/16).