Bill Aims To Create Program To Oversee Flu Vaccine Distribution
Sen. Carole Migden (D-San Francisco) has introduced legislation (SB 1220) that would establish a bulk purchasing program to oversee the distribution of influenza vaccines statewide, the Sacramento Bee reports.
The program would be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health Services.
Migden introduced the bill after vaccine orders for physician practices this fall went unfilled because of supply problems -- especially at smaller practices.
The bill is supported by the California Medical Association (Griffith, Sacramento Bee, 2/3).
In related news, Migden is expected to introduce a bill next week that would require businesses with more than 10,000 employees to contribute 8% of their total payroll to worker health benefits, the Los Angeles Times reports.
Under the proposal, Wal-Mart could be required to pay more than $50 million for workers' health coverage, Migden said.
According to the Times, the proposed legislation "could get a sympathetic hearing in the Democratic-controlled state Legislature," but "it is expected to generate strong opposition from business lobbyists" (Lifsher/Goldman, Los Angeles Times, 2/3).