Calif. Trailer Bills Address State Worker, Retiree Health Benefits
The California Department of Finance has released several proposed trailer bills to Gov. Jerry Brown's (D) fiscal year 2015-2016 budget plan that address state employee and retiree health benefits, among other issues, the Sacramento Bee's "The State Worker" reports.
The proposals have yet to be assigned bill numbers or credited to authors.
Details of Health-Related Trailer Bills
One of the proposed bills posted to the DOF site would require CalPERS starting on Jan. 1, 2016, to offer a high-deductible health plan, as well as a low-cost Medicare supplement plan for retirees.
According to "The State Worker," the proposal would affect taxpayers, who would need to pay millions of dollars annually to prefund retiree benefits, while current and future workers would pay their own share.
Meanwhile, a separate proposed trailer bill would:
- Decrease by an undetermined amount the state's share of retiree health coverage costs for state workers hired on or after Jan. 1, 2016; and
- Require employees to work at least 15 years to be eligible for 50% of the state's retiree health insurance subsidy and at least 25 years to qualify for 100%.
The measure would affect:
- California State University employees;
- Employees of the legislative and judicial branches; and
- Future workers under gubernatorial control (Ortiz, "The State Worker," Sacramento Bee, 2/2).