California Coalition Launches Spanish-Language Health Information Web Site
Sacramento-based Citizens for the Right to Know, a coalition of consumers and disease organizations, has launched a Spanish-language Web site to provide information for Latinos on health plans, the health care system and patients' rights, the Stockton Record reports. The site features health news, information on state health care policy issues, advice for Latinos who do not receive appropriate or timely access to health care and resources for health plan information. "Anything on the Web with this information is extremely valuable, especially when there is such a big move to eliminate immigrants from health care services," Jose Rodriguez, executive director of the Council for the Spanish Speaking, also known as El Concilio, said. Lupe Alonzo-Diaz, executive director of Latino Coalition for a Healthy California, added, "Health literacy is an important issue in California. It is time information is available in Spanish to help Latinos advocate for themselves and their families" (Goldeen, Stockton Record, 4/6).
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