Californians Flooding Lawmakers’ Phone Lines To Make Voices Heard
Rep. Tom McClintock made national headlines when protesters defending the health law turned up at his town hall. He's just one of many California lawmakers who are hearing from their concerned constituents.
Los Angeles Times:
Californians Are Keeping Their Lawmakers' Phones Ringing: 'They Really Hate Donald Trump'
Members of Congress have been inundated with phone calls and emails in the scant weeks since President Trump took office, with staff answering two to three times as many calls and emails as normal. Some are organic outpourings of concern from constituents concerned about the new administration. Others are inspired by the progressive groups that have formed as an outlet for angst about what the Republican-led Congress will do with a Republican White House. (Wire, 2/9)
Previous California Healthline coverage: Threat Of Losing Obamacare Turns Some Formerly Apolitical Californians Into Protesters