Editorials Discuss Bipartisan Plan To Overhaul Medicare
A Washington Post editorial "congratulat[es] Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) for" their recent proposal to provide Medicare beneficiaries with "premium support" to purchase traditional coverage or a private plan. "Unfortunately, instead of welcoming the effort, the White House chose to stomp on it," which "is not a constructive or adequate response to a serious proposal," according to the editorial. Meanwhile, a New York Times editorial notes that while the plan "deserve[s] careful scrutiny, ... we are skeptical that any of the proposals for premium support that have been floated by Republicans can rein in Medicare spending without harming beneficiaries, financially or medically."
- "Healing Medicare" (Washington Post, 12/17).
- "Working With Medicare" (New York Times, 12/17).