Father, Inspired By Son’s Struggle, Aims To Bring Medical Marijuana Solutions To Young Patients
Forrest Hurd is working to secure a state marijuana manufacturing license to produce tinctures, pain-relieving salves and other medications for children with cancer, intractable epilepsy and epidermolysis bullosa.
Sacramento Bee:
Father Of Sick Nevada County Boy Works To Build California Network For Medical Marijuana Using Families
Silas Hurd, 9, arises in the morning these days giddy with anticipation. “Oh, he is excited, just really excited,” said his father, Forrest Hurd. “He asks over and over again, just to confirm that he is really going.” This month, the reddish-haired boy from Nevada County went back to public school – nearly two years to the day after he suffered a seizure in a special education classroom, collapsing and gasping for breath as his mother rushed to his side and an ambulance raced him to an emergency room. The episode prompted his father to quit his job as a mental health program specialist to care for Silas at home. (Hecht, 12/10)
In other marijuana news —
San Jose Mercury News:
Experts: California's Marijuana Legalization Could Be Delayed
Right when it seems like “The Great Pot Moment” is upon us, it turns out there are a lot of really tough regulatory issues to resolve first, according to government and industry experts who sketched out all the thorny challenges at the two-day conference, competition and harvest celebration at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds. (Krieger, 12/11)
Orange County Register:
NFL Punishes Pot Use, But More Former Players Say It's Better Than Painkillers
With funding from former Ravens offensive lineman Eugene Monroe, a Colorado non-profit has emerged on the front lines of research, rolling out two studies of NFL players -- current and former -- to help understand their use of marijuana, the drug’s capacity as a pain-relief alternative, and even, perhaps, the possibility it could have neurologically regenerative properties. Some believe such research could hold the key to solving the league’s concussion crisis. (Kartje, 12/9)