FDA Might Take Legal Action Against Reimportation Programs, Agency Commissioner Mark McClellan Says
FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan has said that the agency might take legal action against states or cities that implement programs to reimport lower-cost, U.S.-manufactured prescription drugs from Canada, the AP/Boston Herald reports (AP/Boston Herald, 1/11). McClellan said that the FDA has worked with state governments to develop alternative proposals to reduce their prescription drug costs, such as increased use of less-expensive generic medications and use of "mass buying power" to negotiate lower prices, the AP/New York Daily News reports (AP/New York Daily News, 1/11). "Our first preference is to try to work directly with the cities and states" to find alternatives to reimportation, McClellan said, but he added, "I'm definitely not ruling out legal action if necessary to assure safety" (AP/Boston Herald, 1/11).
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