Fresno County Board Approves 75-Cent Pay Raise for Home-Care Workers
The Fresno County Board of Supervisors yesterday unilaterally implemented a 75-cent wage increase to $7.50 per hour for the county's 11,000 home-care workers after failing to reach an agreement with the workers' union, the Fresno Bee reports (Davis, Fresno Bee, 6/25). The county's 11,000 home-care workers, who are represented by Service Employees International Union Local 250, have been seeking wage increases from $6.75 an hour to $9.50 an hour for the past year. Earlier this year, the board offered to increase wages to $7.50 an hour this year and to $8 an hour next year (California Healthline, 6/19). In addition, the offer, which the union rejected, would have restarted talks about health coverage in May. The board did not approve any future raises in addition to the 75-cent hourly raise, which will cost the county $2 million for the first year. The workers will start receiving the 11% pay increase after the state approves the raise, likely in September, the Bee reports (Fresno Bee, 6/25).
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