From Block Grants To High-Risk Pools: What Will The Replacement Look Like?
News organizations explore the various ideas being floated as congressional Republicans try to develop an Obamacare alternative.
Modern Healthcare:
Obamacare Lite Deal May Look Increasingly Attractive To GOP
Could President-elect Donald Trump and Republicans decide it's politically smarter to reach a deal with Democrats this year to modify the Affordable Care Act, rather than repealing it and trying to create a new system from scratch? It's possible, say both conservative and liberal health policy experts. There are plenty of areas where pragmatic Republicans and Democrats could reach agreement, such as tightening enrollment rules to reduce costs, giving insurers more leeway in setting premiums, and replacing the ACA's individual mandate with strong incentives for people to maintain continuous insurance coverage. (Meyer, 1/4)
The New York Times:
Republicans’ 4-Step Plan To Repeal The Affordable Care Act
How they can uproot a law deeply embedded in the nation’s health care system without hurting some of the 20 million people who have gained coverage through it is not clear. Nor is it yet evident that millions of Americans with pre-existing medical conditions will be fully protected against disruptions in their health coverage. But a determined Republican president and Congress can gut the Affordable Care Act, and do it quickly: a step-by-step health care revolution in reverse that would undo many of the changes made since the law was signed by President Obama in March 2010. (Pear, 1/4)
The Associated Press:
Health Overhaul Revisited: The Impact Of Some GOP Ideas
Dozens of GOP-inspired ideas are being bandied about on Capitol Hill, and it could take months or years to fully understand the costs and benefits of complex changes lawmakers are considering. A GOP replacement may cover fewer people than the 2010 Affordable Care Act, or ACA. But Republicans are betting that their goal of "universal access" with fewer requirements will be more politically acceptable than the Democratic ideal of "universal coverage," with Washington in charge. A look at the potential impact of some of the ideas put forth by Republicans. (Alonso-Zaldivar, 1/4)
The Wall Street Journal:
How Republicans Might Replace Obamacare
Republicans are preparing to follow through on their vow to repeal the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. But it is far from clear what will replace it. Various Republicans have put forward a grab bag of policy ideas about what could take the place of President Barack Obama’s health law, but have yet to reach a consensus. It remains uncertain what happens to current health plans that people bought through the law’s insurance exchanges. (Armour, 1/4)