Hospitals’ Building Boom Means Better Access For San Joaquin Valley Children
Competitors Valley Children’s Hospital and Community Medical Center will spend millions on building pediatric networks. They say the expansion plans are driven by demand for care and not an on-going feud.
The Fresno Bee:
Valley Hospitals Spending Millions To Build Pediatric Networks
It’s getting easier to find a doctor for a sick child in the San Joaquin Valley. Valley Children’s Hospital and Community Medical Centers – competitors for pediatric patients – are recruiting pediatricians and spending millions on buildings where they will work. Community Medical Centers has plans for a five-story pediatric office building near its downtown Fresno trauma and medical center. Valley Children’s Hospital is opening a new clinic in northwest Fresno and has bought or is buying property for new clinics in cities from Modesto to Bakersfield to accommodate growing physician practices. (Anderson, 5/21)