Kaiser Offers $10M To Fight Obesity in Northern Calif.
On Wednesday, Kaiser Permanente announced that it will contribute $10 million over three years to address obesity in Northern California. As part of its investment, the health system is awarding $1 million each to seven communities through its Healthy Eating Active Living Zones project, also called the HEAL Zones initiative. Kaiser has set aside the remaining $3 million to provide technical and evaluation support for anti-obesity efforts in the seven targeted communities and other areas of Northern California.
- "Kaiser Permanente Gives $10M Over Three Years in NorCal To Fight Obesity" (Rauber, San Francisco Business Times, 8/3).
- "Valley Hi Neighborhood To Get $1 Million Healthy Living Grant" (Lindelof, Sacramento Bee, 8/4).
- "Grants To Help Neighborhoods in Richmond, Concord Fight Obesity" (Meron, Contra Costa Times, 8/3).