Legislature Weighs Bills on Cord Blood Donation
California legislators are carrying legislation on umbilical cord blood storage and donation efforts that proponents say could help provide medical treatments for cancer patients, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.
Sen. Carole Migden (D-San Francisco) has introduced SB 962 that would permit the Department of Public Health to develop a program to collect and store cord blood. The bill also would allow cord blood samples to be stored and used for medical research.
Migden's measure seeks to expand on a state law that requires licensure and regulation of cord blood banks in California. The law was slated to take effect in January, but rollout has been delayed because of the reorganization of the Department of Health Services.
In the Assembly, Anthony Portantino (D-Pasadena) also is carrying legislation (AB 34 and AB 40) addressing cord blood storage.
Gloria Ochoa, president of the Cord Blood Donor Foundation, said that about 14 states either are considering legislation or have laws on the books to create cord blood banks or raise public awareness about cord blood donation (Fernandez, San Francisco Chronicle, 8/13).