Man Who Fought Through Addiction Channels Past To Help Others With Their Battle
Clennan Williams in 2012 opened Battlefield Ministry, a support network for addicts at Westside Church of Christ in San Mateo, and has spent the past four years helping those in a position he found himself in not too long ago.
Mercury News:
Menlo Park Couple Helping Fight Addiction
In 2012, with a small group that includes other recovering addicts, he [Clennan Williams] helped form Battlefield Ministry, a support network for addicts at Westside Church of Christ in San Mateo. The main group members all have experience working with people suffering from addictions. Battlefield, which meets at the church at 1 p.m. Sundays and 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays, also supports people with compulsive behavior and performs outreach to the homeless community and works with at-risk youth. Peggy helps by cooking for potlucks and fundraisers. (Kelly, 9/29)