Measure To Approve Safe Injection Sites Awaits State Senate’s Approval
"If we treat people humanely, if they’re coming in and they’re forming a relationship, we are much more likely to treat those abscesses, much more likely to catch early rates of infection, much more likely to save lives," said Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton), the bill’s author.
Could California Be The First State To Legalize Drug Injection Sites?
California lawmakers may soon vote to allow for the creation of legal injection sites for IV and other drug users. The bill has passed the Assembly and is awaiting a vote in the Senate before the legislative session ends in a couple of weeks. The measure, AB 186, would pave the way to set up these drug use sites in certain areas, including Los Angeles and San Francisco. Local government would have to give the OK to private groups that wanted to create them. (Faust, 8/30)