New Climate Change Measure Emphasizes Public Health Stakes Involved
Under the legislation facilities such as oil refineries would face tighter restrictions, and the cap-and-trade program would become less flexible.
Los Angeles Times:
California Lawmakers Push To Link Public Health Efforts To Climate Programs
California’s fight against climate change would be overhauled under legislation advanced by an Assembly committee on Monday. The legislation, a revised version of a measure introduced earlier this year, would link the state’s efforts against greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming, and other pollutants, which cause public health problems such as asthma. (Megerian, 4/24)
In other news —
New Bill Would Require Pot Worker Training In Safety And Sexual Harassment
Marijuana growers in California would be required to train employees about worker safety and sexual harassment under state legislation headed for a hearing tomorrow. Sponsored by the UFCW Western States Council, the Cannabis Workers Protection Bill would require marijuana business owners of all kinds to put at least one employee per year through a 30-hour Cal-OSHA training. (Walter, 4/24)