ONC, CMS Officials Push Back Against Suggested Delay to Meaningful Use Incentive Program
During a Senate committee hearing last week, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Farzad Mostashari and Patrick Conway -- director of CMS' Center for Clinical Standards and Quality -- pushed back against lawmakers' calls to delay the meaningful use program. Under the 2009 federal economic stimulus package, health care providers who demonstrate meaningful use of certified electronic health record systems can qualify for Medicaid and Medicare incentive payments. Mostashari said that 1,000 critical-access hospitals in rural areas are expected to achieve meaningful use this year in part because of help from ONC's regional extension centers.
- "Despite Concerns, Officials Plan To Stay on Schedule for Stage 2 Requirements" (Daly, Modern Healthcare, 7/17).
- "Senators: Rural Hospitals Hobbled by Digital Divide" (Commins, HealthLeaders Media, 7/17).
- "Sen. Hatch Calls for Pausing Meaningful Use Program" (Sullivan, Government Health IT, 7/17).
- "CMS Pushes Back Against Call To Suspend EHR Incentive Program" (Daly, "Vital Signs," Modern Healthcare, 7/17).