Op-Ed: GOP Will Not Be Able To Repeal Health Reform Law
The pledges by Republican lawmakers and congressional candidates to repeal the health reform law are "largely political theater" because the GOP is unlikely to have the "60 votes in the Senate to overcome a filibuster" and "President Obama would surely wield his veto pen to prevent destruction of his signature legislative achievement," Lawrence Jacobs -- director of the Center for the Study of Politics in the Hubert Humphrey Institute at the University of Minnesota -- and Theda Skocpol -- a professor of government and sociology at Harvard University -- write in a Los Angeles Times opinion piece. They add, "Obama's legacy will stand in the end, and we're betting that by 2025, if not sooner, we will look back and wonder what all the shouting was about."
- "Can Republicans Rescind ObamaCare?" (Jacobs/Skocpol, Los Angeles Times, 10/31).