PhRMA Launches Web Site on Risks of Prescription Drug Reimportation
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America has launched a Web site to provide consumers with information that indicates "opening the U.S. borders to foreign drugs is risky and unsafe," CQ HealthBeat reports. The Web site,, includes the warning, "Think your drugs are from Canada? Think Again." The "Latest News" section of the Web site features the headlines "Prescription Imports Could Kill Us" and "Now, From North Korea, Knockoff Viagra."
In addition, the Web site allows users to receive "safety alerts" and provides information on eight indications that they have received counterfeit prescription drugs. In a news release, PhRMA officials said that the group established the Web site "so patients and consumers can learn firsthand the opinions of experts on dangers associated with importing medicines" (CQ HealthBeat, 6/21).