Poll: Clinton’s Work on Health Reform a Positive
Almost half of U.S. residents say Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's (D-N.Y.) work on health care reform in the 1990s would help her address the issue as president, according to a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll.
The poll found that 49% of all voters said Clinton's health care experience would be helpful, while almost two-thirds of Democrats said so. Conversely, 19% of voters said it would hurt Clinton to take on health care again.
The poll found that support for Clinton had jumped by 15 percentage points since June, when the last Times/Bloomberg poll was released. Support for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has fallen by five percentage points over the same time period.
Clinton leads Obama 48% to 17% in the poll, which also found that both candidates beat each of the four leading Republican candidates in hypothetical match-ups.
For the poll, 1,039 registered voters nationwide were interviewed between Oct. 19 and Oct. 22. The margin of error is plus or minus three percentage points (Wallsten/Hook, Los Angeles Times, 10/24).