Sacramento City Unified School District Retirees Ages 65 and Older Regain Health Net Coverage
The Sacramento City Unified School District has agreed to extend Health Net coverage to retirees who are at least 65 years old after deciding last year to eliminate it as an insurer option for about 2,100 individuals. The announcement follows the district's decision in February to restore Health Net coverage for about 1,100 teachers and early retirees. Under the most recent agreement, retirees ages 65 and older can return to Health Net or maintain their coverage under Kaiser Permanente or other Medigap plans selected during open enrollment. In addition, Health Net has lowered its cost to the district by 1.5% compared with its 2014 rates.
- "Sacramento City Unified Agrees To Restore Health Net for Retirees 65 and Older" (Kalb, Sacramento Bee, 3/28).