SAN LUIS OBISPO: Resident Pushes For Universal Health Care
Under a plan being touted by Arroyo Grande resident Frank Allen, San Luis Obispo County would provide free health care to all residents by raising taxes on items such as alcohol and tobacco. The San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune reports that "Allen is trying to form a 'blue ribbon' task force to study his plan" for the publicly funded program, and has asked county Supervisor Peg Pinard "to head the task force." Allen wants county supervisors to place his proposal on the June 1999 ballot. The Telegram-Tribune calls Allen's plan "ambitious," in that it would cost "$100 million to $150 million over five years." It would be "subsidized by additional taxes ... on tobacco, alcohol, gambling, boat moorings, golf courses, county parks, restaurants, firearms and other so-called 'luxury' items." Under Allen's "single-payer" plan, the money would go into "a public fund from which all health care costs are paid to medical providers." According to the Telegram-Tribune, Allen believes his plan is "more feasible than far-fetched." He has reportedly "met with a couple of county health officials" to discuss his "Into the 21st Century" plan (Bunin/Roberts, 9/22).
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