Schwarzenegger Supports ‘Concept’ of Parental Notification
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) on Tuesday said he agrees with "the concept" of parental notification before an abortion but has not decided if he will endorse Proposition 73, the Sacramento Bee reports (Delsohn, Sacramento Bee, 9/21).
The measure, which appears on the Nov. 8 special election ballot, would amend the state constitution to require health care providers to notify a parent or guardian 48 hours before performing an abortion on an unmarried minor (California Healthline, 9/19).
In issuing "some of his first public comments about the substance of Proposition 73" during an interview with the Bee, Schwarzenegger said, "I wouldn't want to have someone take my daughter to a hospital for an abortion or something and not tell me." He added, "It will be the ultimate of being outraged about it and angry about it."
Schwarzenegger previously has stated his support for a woman's right to have an abortion.
The Bee interview was one of a series of interviews scheduled this week between the governor and various reporters.
According to the Bee, Schwarzenegger indicated "he may not want to divert attention" from the four measures on the November ballot he already has endorsed. Schwarzenegger said, "There's many reasons why you get involved with an issue and why you don't." He added, "We want to just keep (the agenda) narrow like the way it is now."
In related news, proponents and opponents of Proposition 73 on Tuesday presented comments in a joint Assembly and Senate Health Committee hearing.
Supporters of the proposition said parents should be consulted on matters related to their children's health. Opponents said a notification requirement would further endanger minors who are victims of sexually or physical abuse and could cause some pregnant minors to delay receiving health care (Sacramento Bee, 9/21).
Additional information on Proposition 73 is available online.