Sense Of Smell May Be Related To Body’s Ability To Burn Fat
A study with mice shows how sense of smell is lashed together with a broad range of seemingly unrelated basic functions, including metabolism and stress response.
Los Angeles Times:
Does My Sense Of Smell Make Me Look Fat? In Mice, The Answer Seems To Be Yes
Having an exceptionally keen sense of smell would seem to be an unmitigated blessing: It can provide early warning of dangers, detect the presence of an attractive mate, and enhance the gustatory delight of a delicious meal. But when you’re a mouse (or, perhaps, a human) and fattening food is all around, a new study finds that those with little or no ability to detect odors may have a key advantage. While mice with an intact sense of smell grow obese on a steady diet of high-fat chow, their littermates who have had their sense of smell expunged can eat the same food yet remain trim. (Healy, 7/5)