AB 910 by Assembly member Betty Karnette (D-Long Beach) will require health plans to continue coverage for a member's dependent, regardless of age, if the dependent cannot work because of a mental or physical disability (Bill Text, 8/28).
Under AB 1324 by Assembly member Hector De La Torre (D-South Gate), insurers are prohibited from revoking or modifying a policy after a member had received treatment that the insurer later deems ineligible for coverage (Bill Text, 8/29).
SB 472 by Sen. Ellen Corbett (R-San Leandro) will require the California State Board of Pharmacy to adopt regulations for standardized prescription drug label requirements by 2011 (Bill Text, 8/30).
The California Integrated Waste Management Board and other public agencies will be required to develop programs aimed at collecting and disposing unused medications under SB 966 by Sen. Joseph Simitian (D-Palo Alto) (Bill Text, 9/5).