Time Publishes Articles on Increased Cost of Medical Malpractice Insurance
The June 9 issue of Time magazine includes a series of articles on the rising cost of malpractice insurance. The following are summaries of those articles:
- "The Doctor Won't See You Now": The article examines the effect of rising malpractice insurance costs on doctors and patients, focusing on the experience of an Illinois pulmonologist (Eisenberg/Sieger, Time, 6/9).
- "An Abandoned Patient": The article examines how a pregnant Arizona woman is coping with the lack of nearby obstetricians (Berestein, Time, 6/9).
- "A Malpractice Victim": The article looks at how caps on malpractice lawsuits in Colorado limited the jury settlement of a former weapons-plant inspector who became paralyzed after a surgery and how malpractice premiums continue to rise in the state despite the caps (Healy, Time, 6/9).
- "A Chastened Insurer": The article examines why malpractice insurance costs are increasing and possible ways to reduce those rates (Thottam, Time, 6/9).
- "An Undisciplined Doctor": The article looks at how a small group of doctors is responsible for a large portion of malpractice (Berestein, Time, 6/9).
- "A Medical Student": The article examines how malpractice premiums are causing some medical students to switch specialties (Bower, Time, 6/9).
- "A Frustrated Lawmaker": The article looks at the political debate over medical malpractice reform and profiles the efforts of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) (Waller, Time, 6/9).
- "Yes, It's a Mess -- But Here's How to Fix It": In the article, Philip Howard, founder of Common Good, a legal reform coalition, proposes the creation of a special medical court to help deal with medical malpractice suits (Howard, Time, 6/9).