Veterans Who Experience Military Sexual Trauma More Likely To Be Homeless, Report Finds
According to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 11.8 percent of men who reported military sexual trauma had experienced homelessness over the 5-year period of the study. For women, that number was slightly less at 8.9 percent.
Study: Military Sexual Assault Makes Veterans Twice As Likely To Become Homeless
A report released Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association found veterans who experienced sexual assault during their time in the military are more likely to experience homeless in their life than their peers. Using data from the Department of Veterans Affairs, the study looked at more than 600,000 veterans who have left the military since September 11th 2001. Researchers found victims of what’s called “military sexual trauma” – or MST – are much more than twice as likely to become homeless. (Ismay, 4/20)