Latest California Healthline Stories
Nosing In on Kids Who Had Covid and Lost Their Sense of Smell
Clinicians at pediatric hospitals are experimenting with “smell training” among children who had covid-19 and have now lost this sense.
Tratamiento con aceites esenciales para niños que perdieron el olfato por covid
A medida que la pandemia de covid ha ido evolucionando en los últimos 12 meses, un número creciente de niños han desarrollado la enfermedad. Y un grupo cada vez mayor sufre síntomas de larga duración.
Need Amid Plenty: Richest US Counties Are Overwhelmed by Surge in Child Hunger
Hunger among kids is skyrocketing, even in America’s wealthiest counties. But given the nation’s highly uneven charitable food system, affluent communities have been far less ready for the unprecedented crisis than places accustomed to dealing with poverty and hardship.
For Spring Season, Young Athletes Get Back in the Game Despite Covid Risk
With schools opening up classrooms, millions of young athletes are also getting out on fields and courts. But pandemic precautions and delays are spurring conflicts among parents, coaches and doctors.
What Childhood Vaccine Rates Can, and Can’t, Teach Us About Covid Vaccines
Hesitancy toward routine childhood vaccines doesn’t necessarily predict hesitancy toward a covid shot.
Children’s Hospitals Grapple With Young Covid ‘Long Haulers’
Pediatric hospitals are creating clinics for the increasing number of children reporting lingering covid symptoms similar to those that plague some adults long after they have recovered.
Hospitales infantiles enfrentan los casos de niños con covid “de largo plazo”
Aunque las estadísticas indican que la mayoría de los niños se han librado de los peores efectos de covid, se sabe poco sobre los que desarrollan una enfermedad grave.
Beijing’s SARS Lockdown Taught My Children Resilience. Your Covid Kids Will Likely Be Fine.
Living through SARS taught my children important lessons, and not just about hygiene. It taught them how to make sacrifices for the sake of friends, family and community.
In California, Caregivers of People With Disabilities Are Being Turned Away at COVID Vaccine Sites
Parents and caregivers of people with disabilities in California are supposed to be near the front of the line for the covid-19 vaccine. But some are hitting roadblocks at vaccination sites.
Rechazan a cuidadores familiares en sitios de vacunación contra covid de California
Aunque el gobierno los considera trabajadores de salud prioritarios, la confusión y la comunicación fallida han provocado que algunos padres elegibles sean rechazados.