Por un tecnicismo, niños necesitados podrían no tener acceso a vacunas contra el VRS
By Arthur Allen
El virus respiratorio sincitial afecta a bebés de todas las clases sociales, pero tiende a perjudicar más a los hogares pobres y hacinados
Covid Fears Keep Many Latino Kids out of Classrooms
By Heidi de Marco
Latinos got hit disproportionately hard by covid-19. When faced with the choice of sending their kids back to school or keeping them in online classes, many Latino parents say their kids are safer at home.
Roles invertidos: más cuidadores juveniles por covid
By Heidi de Marco
Millones de adolescentes y preadolescentes ayudan a cuidar de padres o abuelos enfermos. La pandemia ha aumentado el número y ha dificultado que obtengan apoyo social y emocional fuera del hogar.
For This Hospice Nurse, the Covid Shot Came Too Late
By Heidi de Marco
Antonio Espinoza, a hospice nurse in Southern California, ministered to terminally ill patients, including those with covid. He tested positive for covid five days after getting his first dose of vaccine and died a few weeks later.
Role Reversal: Covid Increases Ranks of Child Caregivers
By Heidi de Marco
Millions of teens and preteens help care for ill parents or grandparents. The pandemic has boosted their numbers while making it harder for them to get social and emotional support outside the home.
Newsom’s Record on Covid Is Both an Advantage and Liability in Tight Recall Race
By Rachel Bluth and Samantha Young and Heidi de Marco and Angela Hart
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s pandemic policies are effectively on California’s Sept. 14 recall ballot — and the electorate views them with a mix of resentment, gratitude and disillusionment.
Disipando información errónea y mitos sobre las vacunas en la región agrícola de California
By Heidi de Marco
Aunque los trabajadores agrícolas son vulnerables al covid, muchos dudan en recibir la vacuna, preocupados de que pueda tener efectos secundarios graves o que pueda revelar su paradero a los funcionarios de inmigración. Defensores de los inmigrantes en el Valle de Coachella y otras regiones agrícolas están visitando a los trabajadores para tratar de disipar sus temores.
As Patients Fell Ill With Covid Inside Hospitals, Government Oversight Fell Short
By Lauren Weber and Christina Jewett
Photos by Heidi de Marco
A KHN investigation finds that hospitals with high rates of covid patients who didn’t have the diagnosis when they were admitted have rarely been held accountable due to multiple gaps in government oversight.
Direct Primary Care, With a Touch of Robin Hood
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Photos by Heidi de Marco
Some doctors, sick of mainstream health care’s red tape, are finding refuge in practices that combine concierge medicine with charity care.
Journalists Stay on Top of Rocky Vaccine Rollout
KHN and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.