Latest California Healthline Stories
Even Doctors Can’t Navigate Our ‘Broken Health Care System’
A physician’s frustration navigating a medical emergency with his elderly father reveals a complex, dysfunctional system.
CBO’s Report On Single-Payer Health Care Holds More Questions Than Answers
The Congressional Budget Office report does clearly communicate that shifting to this type of health system would be a complicated process.
Is Insulin’s High Cost Keeping Diabetes Patients From Taking Their Medicine?
An estimated 1.25 million Americans have Type 1 diabetes and cannot live without insulin. Sen. Kamala Harris’ claim that 1 in 4 diabetes patients cannot afford their insulin is a shockingly high number, so we decided to dig into the sparse data.
Summer Bummer: A Young Camper’s $142,938 Snakebite
The snake struck a 9-year-old hiker at dusk on a nature trail. The outrageous bills struck her parents a few weeks later.
Verano de pesadilla: le facturan $142,938 por tratar una mordedura de serpiente
A la pequeña Oakley Yoder la mordió una copperhead en el verano de 2018. La niña, entonces de 9 años, recibió una atención de excelencia. Pero el resultado fue una factura astronómica.
Will Ties To A Catholic Hospital System Tie Doctors’ Hands?
Doctors at the University of California’s flagship San Francisco hospital are sharply divided over a proposal to join forces with a Catholic-run system that restricts care on the basis of religious doctrine — part of a broader public debate as Catholic hospitals expand their reach.
Hospitals Chafe Under Medicare’s New Payment Rule For Off-Campus Clinics
Under the rule that took effect this year, Medicare will lower payments for clinic visits performed at hospital-owned facilities to a rate that is equivalent to what it pays an independent doctor. Federal officials expect the move will save the government $380 million this year.
Americans Overwhelmingly Want Federal Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills
Three-quarters of people urge action to keep patients from facing high medical costs when their insurance doesn’t cover the care, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll.
In 10 Years, Half Of Middle-Income Elders Won’t Be Able To Afford Housing, Medical Care
An eye-opening study of demographics and income finds that the costs of assisted-living care will soon be out of reach for people on fixed incomes — and their children.
En 10 años, adultos mayores de clase media no podrán pagar por atención médica y vivienda
Para 2029, más de la mitad de las personas mayores de ingresos medios tendrán recursos financieros anuales de $60,000 o menos, incluso si se incluye el valor agregado que tengan sus propiedades.