Latest California Healthline Stories
Hep C And Drug Abuse Often Go Hand In Hand, But Screening For Infection Lags
As the number of people who inject drugs has soared, the rate of hepatitis C infection has climbed steeply, too, because the disease can be tied to sharing needles. Yet many drug patients are not checked for the virus that can damage the liver.
After Her Skiing Accident, An Uphill Battle Over Snowballing Bills
She took a bad fall on the slopes and her surgeon used a metal plate to put the splintered bones of her leg back together. When that device failed less than four months later, she and her insurer had to pay full price for the replacement plate.
Health Care Industry ‘Pays Tribute’ To California’s Influential Lawmakers
The leaders of California’s legislative health committees who wield power over state health policy have been showered with money from the health care sector, with drug companies, health plans, hospitals and doctors providing nearly 40 percent of their 2017-18 campaign funds.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
In Grandma’s Stocking: An Apple Watch To Monitor Falls, Track Heart Rhythms
The new-generation gadget is designed to alert and protect wearers from falls and heart problems, expanding Apple’s target audience beyond the usual, tech-savvy, early adopters to those with older tickers.
¿Cuánto cuesta un implante de senos? Depende quién pague…
Un implante de senos por razones cosméticas es mucho más económico que uno que se realiza luego del tratamiento por una enfermedad… ¿Por qué?
One Implant, Two Prices. It Depends On Who’s Paying.
Breast implants — used for both cancer and cosmetic surgeries — give a glimpse into how hospitals mark up prices of medical devices to increase their bottom lines.
Must-Reads Of The Week On Health Care
Executive editor Damon Darlin takes a spin as host of “The Friday Breeze,” whirling through a week of health care news so you don’t have to.
Si no hay efectivo, no hay corazón. Centros de trasplantes piden prueba de pago
Casi todos los más de 250 centros de trasplantes de la nación requieren que los pacientes verifiquen cómo cubrir las facturas.
No Cash, No Heart. Transplant Centers Require Proof Of Payment.
The case of a Michigan woman who was told to fundraise $10,000 for a heart transplant sparked viral outrage, but experts say such “wallet biopsies” are common. A California mother has raised nearly $24,000 in a GoFundMe campaign to pay for costs related to her adult daughter’s second kidney transplant.