Latest California Healthline Stories
Remember The ‘Public Option’? Insurance Commissioner Wants To Try It In California
California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones says a publicly run health plan would bolster competition in the state. But some question whether it would lower premiums.
Would You Like Some Insurance With Your Insurance?
Gap insurance plans, used to cover out-of-pocket health expenses like high deductibles, are becoming increasingly popular among consumers and businesses.
Governor Weighs Legislation On Surprise Medical Bills
The problem, known as balance billing, happens when patients are treated by an out-of-network professional at an in-network facility. Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign the legislation.
Covered California Announces Modest Premium Hikes For Small Businesses
Officials call the 5.9 percent premium increase “moderate,” but many small businesses still shy away from the state’s insurance exchange.
Insurers May Insist On Counseling Before Genetic Tests For Breast Cancer
Doctors are concerned that requiring referrals to genetic counselors can deter women from going forward with testing for genetic mutations that cause breast cancer.
California’s Healthy Kids Programs Fade As Undocumented Children Gain Access To Medi-Cal
The now-redundant subsidized insurance programs have served tens of thousands of children over 15 years.
Patients, Fearing Pricey Follow-Ups, May Shy Away From Some Colon Cancer Tests
Most screening tests for colon cancer are covered by insurance but if they come back positive, they may require a diagnostic colonoscopy and that may not be covered completely by insurance.
Under a new law, you could get money back if you were charged out-of-network prices after going to a medical provider who is listed in your health plan’s network.
Could This Be The Year That California Lawmakers Stop Surprise Medical Bills?
The bill would help consumers avoid pricey bills from out-of-network docs.
Survey: Millions More Californians Insured After Obamacare Launch, Medicaid Expansion
But the remaining uninsured are tough to reach.