Latest California Healthline Stories
‘Warm’ Hotlines Deliver Help Before Mental Health Crisis Heats Up
“Warmlines” are phone lines or electronic chat options for people who are not having a full-blown mental health crisis but who could use support to stave off one. They are a growing trend in mental health outreach to supplement existing hotlines, with one successful warmline in the Bay Area recently expanding to cover all of California.
Violencia en hospitales: buscan reducir ataques de pacientes a profesionales de salud
Los pacientes representan aproximadamente el 80% de los incidentes violentos graves denunciados, pero a veces los agresores son familiares y amigos frustrados o estresados.
Patient-Induced Trauma: Hospitals Learn To Defuse Violence
Health care workers face a greater threat of workplace violence than workers in most other industries. Hospitals are installing security cameras and panic buttons, arming security guards with stun guns and teaching their employees how to handle potentially violent situations.
An Atlanta Nonprofit Brings Medical Care And Connection To The Homeless
“Street medicine” programs seek out people living in back alleys and under highways. It’s a public health approach designed to build trust and eventually connect homeless patients to other services.
Joven indocumentado, en más riesgo de deportación por su trastorno mental
Defensores de la salud mental dicen que la situación es particularmente difícil para los indocumentados, tanto para el acceso al tratamiento como con las autoridades de inmigración.
A Young Immigrant Has Mental Illness, And That’s Raising His Risk Of Deportation
Behavioral problems, criminal arrests and limited access to health care leave a father worried his 21-year-old son will be deported to Mexico.
Readers React: UVA Doctors Outraged Over Their Own Health System’s Billing Practices
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Affordable Mental Health Care? It’s Getting Even Tougher to Access
More than a decade after Congress passed a law mandating equal access for mental and physical health care, Americans struggle to find affordable, in-network mental health providers.
¿Cuidado de salud mental asequible? El acceso es cada vez más difícil
En 2017, 70,237 estadounidenses murieron por sobredosis de drogas y 47,173 por suicidio, según los CDC. En 2018, casi el 20% de los adultos sufrieron una enfermedad mental.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.