Latest California Healthline Stories
A Peer Recovery Coach Walks The Frontlines Of The Opioid Epidemic
Charlie Oen was addicted to heroin as a teenager. At 25, he’s now clean and a peer counselor in Lima, Ohio, where he tries to help people who started using drugs before he was born.
Grab Bag Of Goodies In 21st Century Cures Act
A breakdown of winners — and a few losers — in the sprawling Cures Act approved by the House.
Drug Price Transparency Before California Lawmakers Again
California should continue to “poke the bear” on drug price policy, Senate Health Committee chairman says.
Need Pricey Drugs From An Obamacare Plan? You May Shoulder More Of The Cost
A Kaiser Health News analysis finds that the portion of federal marketplace plans requiring people to pay a third or more of the cost of specialty drugs have jumped from 37 to 63 percent since 2014. California has greater protections to limit consumer costs.
Enfermos… ¿y en bancarrota? Consumidores gastarán más en drogas en 2017
En 2017, muchos más planes de salud en los mercados de seguros requerirán que los consumidores paguen una sustancial parte del costo de los medicamentos más caros, dicen, para disuadir a pacientes muy enfermos de elegir sus planes.
Young Boy’s Struggle To Survive Sparked Push For Drugs For Terminally Ill
Ten-year-old Josh Hardy died last month. His struggle to survive helped to spur laws to get unapproved drugs to the terminally ill.