Latest California Healthline Stories
How Newsom’s Reliance on Big Tech in Pandemic Undermines Public Health System
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has outsourced his way through the covid-19 pandemic, tasking his private-sector allies in Silicon Valley and the health care industry with fundamental public health duties such as testing, tracing and vaccination. Among the losers: the state’s weakened public health system.
For Kurdish Americans in Nashville, a Beloved Leader’s Death Prompts Vaccine Push
Some immigrant groups are closing the ethnic gap on COVID-19 shots. For many Kurdish Americans, their fears about vaccination are entangled with their experiences in refugee camps after fleeing Iraq.
Covid no discrimina por edad: dramático aumento de casos en adultos jóvenes
Es tanto una señal del éxito del país en la protección de los adultos mayores con la vacunación como un recordatorio urgente de que las generaciones más jóvenes pagarán un alto precio si se permite que siga habiendo brotes en todo el país.
A lo largo de los Apalaches y del delta del Mississippi, donde las tasas de muertes por ataques cerebrales está por encima del promedio nacional, dirigir a los pacientes de áreas rurales al nivel adecuado de atención puede ser un rompecabezas intrincado. El hospital más cercano puede no ofrecer un espectro completo de tratamientos, y los centros de atención de avanzada pueden estar a horas de distancia.
In Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta, Millions Face Long Drives to Stroke Care
Across Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta, where death rates from stroke are above the national average, routing patients from rural areas to the right level of care can be an intricate jigsaw puzzle. The closest hospital might not offer the full scope of stroke treatments, but hospitals with more advanced care could be hours away.
Covid ‘Doesn’t Discriminate by Age’: Serious Cases on the Rise in Younger Adults
With older adults vaccinated, doctors say a growing share of their covid patients are in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s, as more contagious variants circulate among people who remain unvaccinated.
As Schools Spend Millions on Air Purifiers, Experts Warn of Overblown Claims and Harm to Children
A KHN investigation found that more than 2,000 schools have spent millions of dollars for systems, lured by air purifier companies’ claims that experts say mislead or obscure the potential for harm from toxic ozone.
CVS and Walgreens Have Wasted More Vaccine Doses Than Most States Combined
More than 200,000 doses of covid vaccine have gone to waste since December, KHN has learned. Two national pharmacy chains account for most of it.
CVS y Walgreens desperdician cerca de 130,000 dosis de vacunas contra covid
De los datos de los CDC, no resulta claro por qué las dos cadenas desperdiciaron mucha más vacuna que las agencias estatales y federales.
Addiction Treatment Providers in Pa. Face Little State Scrutiny Despite Harm to Clients
Pennsylvania’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs has allowed providers to continue operating despite repeated violations and harm to clients.