Latest California Healthline Stories
Enfermeros itinerantes en alto riesgo frente a condiciones de atención de COVID-19
Desde que la pandemia de COVID-19 causó un terremoto en el sistema de salud, más enfermeros itinerantes viajan de estado en estado, arriesgando sus propias vidas.
¿Leones, tigres y visones? Analizan a distintas especies en busca de COVID
Mientras resurgen los casos de COVID-19 en los Estados Unidos, científicos y veterinarios investigan el virus en animales domésticos y salvajes. Ya han realizado miles de pruebas.
A Biden Win and Republican Senate Might Lead to Gridlock on Health Issues
If Democrat Joe Biden is successful in his bid for the presidency but the Senate remains in GOP control, Democrats’ plans for major changes in health care may be curbed. The federal role in those policies is at stake — as is California’s ambitious health care agenda.
Sin presidente todavía, el futuro de la salud también sigue siendo incierto
Lo que está en juego es si el gobierno federal desempeñará un papel central en las decisiones de salud o cederá más autoridad a los estados y al sector privado.
It’s Open Enrollment. Here’s What You Need to Know
For Californians who are buying their own insurance, enrollment in 2021 health plans runs through Jan. 31.
Meet Josh. He’s a teenager in Fort Scott, Kansas, who dropped out of high school around the same time the town’s hospital closed. He says those two things are related.
The Best COVID Warning System? Poop and Pooled Spit, Says One Colorado School
About 6% of large universities with in-person classes are routinely testing all students. For many institutions, that strategy is out of reach. To get ahead of the virus, Colorado State University is experimenting with a combination of sewage monitoring and a lesser-known approach to pool testing.
‘It’s Science, Stupid’: A School Subject Emerges as a Hot-Button Political Issue
Science is becoming increasingly politicized, so how will it fare on the campaign trail — in 2020 and beyond?
Why State Mask Stockpiling Orders Are Hurting Nursing Homes, Small Providers
More than eight months into the pandemic, stockpiling of masks and other protective equipment by wealthy hospital systems is straining nursing homes and smaller providers who also need precious protective gear to keep front-line workers safe from COVID-19.
Hospitalized? You Can Still Vote in Most Parts of the Country
Hospital staff in states such as California and New York can help patients obtain ballots and vote. In other states, you need a relative to assist you.