Despite Democrats’ Previous Pharma Criticism, Convention Is A Schoomze Extravaganza For Industry
Curbing high drug prices is a popular topic on the campaign trail, but industry lobbyists weren't feeling the heat at the Democratic National Convention this week. Meanwhile, now that the general election is officially on, The Hill looks at what to expect out of the candidates' health care policies.
At The DNC, The Debate Over Drug Prices Gives Way To Charcuterie And Cheese
The drug industry didn’t really feel the heat here at the Democratic National Convention. Once you left Wells Fargo Arena, where Bernie Sanders thundered, “The greed of the drug companies must end!” in the climatic speech of the convention’s opening night, drug lobbyists could be seen chatting with senior Democratic officials in crowded bars, picking at spreads of choice charcuterie and cheese. In between band sets at one such event, cosponsored by the drug company Astellas, Democratic congressmen lauded free trade — on the same day that streams of Sanders supporters had chanted their opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. (Scott, 7/28)
The Hill:
What Can We Expect In Healthcare With Clinton, Trump?
Clinton would expand Obamacare by allowing a buy-in to Medicare starting at age 55, offering a public health insurance option and continuing the drive for Medicaid expansion...Mr. Trump has adopted the Republican platform, which eliminates Obamacare and replaces it with consumer-based insurance plans. (Bellefeuille, 7/28)