California Nurses Push Single-Payer Plan
Talk about a single-payer plan is gaining attention in the gubernatorial race.
Sacramento Bee:
California Nurses Association: 'We Have To Push Our Governor' On Single-Payer Health Care
Cathy Kennedy of the California Nurses Association says the group will continue to argue for single-payer health care, regardless of who is governor. (Hart, 4/10)
In other news —
Capital Public Radio:
New Bill Would Make Marijuana Use While Driving Illegal
Just as you can’t drink alcohol while driving, a bill prohibiting you from using pot behind the wheel recently passed a key committee vote. Some California lawmakers say they need to close a loophole caused by the legalization of recreational marijuana. The proposal would also make smoking pot in the passenger seat a ticket-able infraction and crack down on teens who drive high without a prescription. (Potter, 4/10)