Exit of UC-Riverside Leader Won’t Derail Medical School
UC-Riverside officials on Monday said that the departure of Chancellor France Córdova will not affect the university's plans to build a medical school, the Riverside Press-Enterprise reports.
The UC Board of Regents in November 2006 gave preliminary approval to the medical school proposal. The final proposal is expected to be submitted to UC-Riverside's Academic Senate by the fall and sent back to the UC Regents for final review in spring 2008, Ellen Wartella, UC-Riverside's executive vice chancellor, said.
UC-Riverside over the next 10 years needs to raise $200 million to $300 million in private funds to support a medical school, Wartella said. She added that the university has no plans to build a hospital and that its search for a founding medical school dean already is under way.
UC-Riverside in the fall of 2012 expects to enroll its first class of medical students (Agha, Riverside Press-Enterprise, 6/26).