Rates Of Colon, Rectal Cancer In Young People Spiking Dramatically
Researchers suggest that sedentary lifestyles and poor diets may be contributing to the rise in cases.
Los Angeles Times:
Colorectal Cancer Rates Are Rising Among Younger Americans Even As They'Re Falling For Others
Colorectal cancer, long considered a scourge of the aged, has been steadily rising among young and middle-aged adults in the United States, new research shows. A study released Tuesday by the American Cancer Society found that a typical American millennial born in 1990 is, in any given year of her life, twice as likely to be diagnosed with colon cancer as a person born in 1950. And compared to that older baby boomer, the average twenty-something is four times as likely — again, at every age — to be diagnosed with cancer of the rectum. (Healy, 2/28)