Latest California Healthline Stories
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Efforts To Move The Needle On Flu Shot Rates Get Stuck
In the past decade, federal and state governments have removed cost and access obstacles, but immunization rates remained flat. That worries public health officials.
Mientras baja brote de sarampión, NY pone en marcha nuevas reglas de vacunación
La nueva legislación deroga las exenciones de vacunación religiosa en las escuelas. Otra norma endurece las reglas sobre las vinculadas a razones médicas.
As Measles Outbreak Fades, N.Y. Sets In Motion New Rules On School Vaccinations
New York, where nearly 900 people contracted measles this year, has enacted contentious requirements for immunizations.
California, ¿firmará el gobernador una controversial ley sobre vacunas?
La totalidad de los senadores republicanos votaron en contra de la medida y todos los demócratas votaron a favor, excepto uno que no votó.
Lawmakers Send Contested Vaccine Bill To Governor. But Will He Sign It?
The state Senate on Wednesday sent a measure to Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom that would tighten the rules for children’s medical exemptions from vaccines. Newsom, who said in June that he would sign the measure after amendments had been made at his request, now wants more changes.
Pesadilla por acariciar a un gato: infecciones, rabia… y cuentas sorpresa
Por un simple gesto de afecto hacia un felino: tres visitas a la sala de emergencias, vacunas contra la rabia, agentes del orden animal y el dolor de no comprender las cuentas de salud.
A Brush With A Notorious Cat, My Rabies Education And The Big Bill That Followed
An encounter with a cat led to rabies shots and provided yet another illustration of how confusing, contrary and expensive the American health care system is.
Dramático aumento de la hepatitis A en todo el país
A la sombra de la epidemia de opioides, el virus de la hepatitis A se está abriendo camino en la población general. Más de la mitad de los estados han tenido, o tienen brotes. Y los fondos para frenarlos son insuficientes.