Latest California Healthline Stories
Poderosas voces interfieren con propuesta para hacer más difícil evitar las vacunas
A medida que legisladores de California intentan normas de vacunación infantil más estrictas, se enfrentan con situaciones generadas por funcionarios de alto perfil que las apoyan.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Vaccine Drama On Display In California’s Capitol
Hundreds of protesters descended on the state Capitol on Thursday, warning against government tyranny and corporate greed. Their target: not taxes, not high-tech surveillance, but a bill that would determine which kids must get their routine shots.
California Vaccine Bill Amended To Appease Governor
In the wake of concerns from Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Medical Board of California, a state senator on Tuesday unveiled significant amendments to his bill to tighten vaccine requirements. A hearing on the measure is likely to draw hundreds of people to the state Capitol on Thursday.
A Proposal To Make It Harder For Kids To Skip Vaccines Gives Powerful Voices Pause
California lawmakers are debating whether to tighten the rules on childhood vaccinations and give the ultimate say to state public health officials. But questions are emerging from unexpected quarters: the state medical board and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Cómo trabajan los detectives del sarampión para contener un brote
Los departamentos de salud deben derivar fondos y oficiales para investigar a cientos de personas que han estado expuestas al contagioso virus.
How Measles Detectives Work To Contain An Outbreak
Across the nation, public health departments are redirecting scarce resources to try to control the spread of measles. Their success relies on shoe-leather detective work that is one of the great untold costs of the measles resurgence.
Más exenciones a medida que padres y doctores burlan las leyes de vacunación
El número de niños de California que recibieron exenciones médicas de las vacunas se ha triplicado en los últimos dos años. Y muchos médicos autorizan estas exenciones.
Exemptions Surge As Parents And Doctors Do ‘Hail Mary’ Around Vaccine Laws
In California, medical exemptions to skip childhood vaccinations are on the rise. The trend underlines how hard it is to get parents to comply with vaccination laws meant to protect public safety when a small but adamant population of families and physicians seems determined to resist.
Must-Reads Of The Week (Some Flying Below The Radar)
Executive editor Damon Darlin takes a spin as host of “The Friday Breeze,” whirling through a week of health care news so you don’t have to.