Health Industry

Latest California Healthline Stories

Assisted Living Facilities Pressed to Address Growing Needs of Older, Sicker Residents

Assisted living was meant to be a home-like setting where older adults could interact with other residents while receiving help with daily tasks such as bathing and dressing. But as the concept has become more popular, residents are now older and sicker than in the past, and a panel of experts is calling for more focus on their medical and mental health needs.

Empresas de capital riesgo invierten en el negocio de los ensayos clínicos de medicamentos. ¿Cuál es el riesgo para los pacientes?

Para lanzar un nuevo fármaco al mercado, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) exige a las farmacéuticas estudios exhaustivos para demostrar su seguridad y eficacia. Conseguir que un medicamento salga al mercado unos meses antes, y con menos gastos de lo habitual, puede traducirse en beneficios millonarios para el fabricante.

Listen: Teaching Teens to Reverse Overdoses, Taxes on Uninsured Californians, and More

California Healthline journalists report on efforts to train teens to use the opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone, the state’s decision not to spend the tax penalty money from uninsured residents, Centene’s political contributions, and efforts to keep young kids on Medicaid for several years after birth.