Democrats Increasingly Embracing Progressive Health Care Ideas As Primary Season Gets Into Swing
California, Iowa and other states have primaries today where health care has played a role in the race. Many candidates are touting single-payer type systems, public options and universal coverage among other progressive ideas in an area where Republicans once dominated with their chants of "repeal and replace."
Los Angeles Times:
Where The Candidates For California Governor Stand On The State's Biggest Issues
Welcome to your guide to some of the key policy positions of six top candidates in California’s race for governor. The candidates listed have met certain criteria, including: previous election to public office; at least 5% support from likely voters in an independent, established public opinion poll; or demonstrated fundraising ability. Here’s where they stand. (6/4)
Modern Healthcare:
Primary Season: Democrats' Next Healthcare Ideas Go To The Polls
Sitting congressional Democrats are increasingly comfortable with the idea of a public option. Over the past year, lawmakers have proposed several bills involving public option ideas. They counter the "Medicare for all" proposal by Vermont's liberal independent Sen. Bernie Sanders that critics have panned as impractical and costly while shifting the majority of Americans off their employer coverage. Current polling for both these options track in their favor at a time when Obamacare has never been more popular. (Luthi, 6/4)
California Healthline:
Health Care Simmers On Back Burner In California Heartland’s Hot House Races
About a dozen mostly retired locals took over a corner of a busy intersection on a recent Saturday afternoon in this San Joaquin Valley city, toting signs that read “Dump Denham 2018.” Several cars zooming by honked in support. Buda Kajer-Crain, 69, paced up and down the sidewalk waving a large American flag. She said she wanted U.S. Rep. Jeff Denham (R-Turlock) gone, in part because of his vote one year ago to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. (Ibarra, 6/4)
Why Young Brains Are Getting Big Attention In The Governor's Race
The first years of life are extremely important for our brains. One million neural connections are made every single second of life until the age of 3, according to current research, and the preschool years have a long-term influence on outcomes in health and education. ...Early childhood advocates have been campaigning for months to get the next governor on board with their efforts, arguing that otherwise the state risks another eight years with an underfunded field and another generation of California constituents missing out on crucial resources for human development. (Neely, 6/4)