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Latest California Healthline Stories

Public Health Experts Worry About Boom-Bust Cycle of Support

Congress has poured tens of billions of dollars into public health since last year. While health officials who have juggled bare-bones budgets for years are grateful for the money, they worry it will soon dry up, just as it has after previous crises such as 9/11, SARS and Ebola. Meanwhile, they continue to cope with an exodus from the field amid political pressure and exhaustion that meant 1 in 6 Americans lost their local health department leader.

With Federal Nod, Consumers Could Lose The Boost They Get From Drug ‘Coupons’

The proposal being weighed by federal officials would allow employers and insurers to decide that drug companies’ assistance doesn’t count toward their members’ deductible or out-of-pocket maximum spending limits. If plans opted for that approach, only payments made by patients themselves would be included in the calculation toward reaching those limits.

Medicaid en el “ojo de la tormenta” por nuevos desempleados que buscan cobertura

Con más desempleados aplicando para seguro médico, Medicaid podría colapsar A medida que el coronavirus agita la economía y deja a millones de estadounidenses sin trabajo, Medicaid surge como el plan de salud obvio para muchos de los nuevos desempleados. Eso podría generar tensiones sin precedentes en este vital programa, según funcionarios estatales y analistas. […]