Latest California Healthline Stories
A Final Comfort: ‘Palliative Transport’ Brings Dying Children Home
In a rare but growing practice, some hospitals offer parents the choice to transport their dying children out of the intensive care unit, with life support in tow, so that they can die at home.
Partera recibe factura de $4,836 por usar gas de la risa en su propio parto
Por lo general, supervisado por enfermeras y administrado con cuidado, el óxido nitroso se factura con una tarifa fija, de $100 a $500 por el acceso a la máquina y al gas.
Not Funny: Midwife Slapped With $4,836 Bill For Laughing Gas During Her Labor
As nitrous oxide makes a comeback for pain relief during childbirth, one medical professional fights back over an overblown charge for using it.
UCSF Medical Center Backs Off Plan To Deepen Ties With Dignity Health
The University of California’s flagship San Francisco hospital system cut off negotiations with the Catholic-run health care system in the face of heated opposition from UCSF faculty and staff.
Lawmakers Push To Stop Surprise ER Billing
Millions of Californians are vulnerable to hefty surprise medical bills from their trips to the emergency room. Now, state lawmakers are considering a measure to cap how much out-of-network hospitals can charge privately insured patients for emergency care, which could serve as a model for other states.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Análisis: cambios en el sistema de salud eliminarían 2 millones de empleos, y está bien
Cualquier reforma significativa requeriría una realineación importante del sector de atención médica, que ahora es el mayor empleador en al menos una docena de estados.
Analysis: A Health Care Overhaul Could Kill 2 Million Jobs, And That’s OK
Reform has a cost. But the point of a health care system is to treat patients, not to buttress the economy.
Sen. Alexander Releases Bipartisan Plan To Lower Health Costs, End Surprise Bills
The Republican’s legislation, prepared with Sen. Patty Murray, the ranking Democrat on Alexander’s health committee, would be an ambitious lift because it also deals with prescription drug patents, health transparency and vaccine messaging.
Coming Soon: ‘An Arm And A Leg’ Season Two
Health care — and how much it costs — is scary. But you’re not alone with this stuff, and knowledge is power. “An Arm and a Leg” is a podcast about all these issues, and its second season, co-produced by Kaiser Health News, starts on June 4.