
Latest California Healthline Stories

“Esenciales” o no, estos trabajadores siguen en sus puestos

WEST HOLLYWOOD, California — Pauline Lawrence tiene 63 años, una edad que la pone en mayor riesgo si contrae el nuevo coronavirus. Sin embargo, tres días a la semana, pasa 16 horas con alguien que corre un riesgo aún mayor: un hombre de 97 años que depende de ella y de otros dos ayudantes de […]

Looking For Answers After Coronavirus Contact? Welcome To The Gray Zone

The COVID-19 outbreak has spawned confusion among health officials, doctors and the public, especially for people who fall into the gray area for testing and deciding whether they need to quarantine themselves. Where to turn for answers about isolation and quarantine varies by locale. All this means agencies are sometimes delaying needed advice and giving people incorrect information.

The Coronavirus, The Congressman And Me

When four KHN reporters were possibly exposed to COVID-19, they tried to take preventive steps. But even for health care journalists, getting tested for the virus ― and figuring out what to do next — is an uphill task.

Patient-Induced Trauma: Hospitals Learn To Defuse Violence

Health care workers face a greater threat of workplace violence than workers in most other industries. Hospitals are installing security cameras and panic buttons, arming security guards with stun guns and teaching their employees how to handle potentially violent situations.